Flying Banana Prints, A KGLW Fan

Welcome to my printmaking gallery of all King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard fan art (and other stuff). This work consists mainly of linocut and pen/pencil illustrations.

The rest of my Flying Banana works can be seen at @flyingbananaprints

Store: Big Cartel

Print of the Balrog and the Lord of Lightning Three stickers, left to right, up to down: King Gizzard, Lizard Wizard, and a band of alligators on a truck. A group of stickmen marching into the mouth of a monster Altered Beast
A black and orange print on kraft paper depicting a robot dragon in a destroyed city with a shotgun pointed at it. Shows a Doom interface. A horde of hooded crocodiles with umbrellas Crocodile floating in a river Explosion coming out, Live at the Gorge Han-Tyumi, the human cyborg in the style of Moebius
A small card of a hooded figure Dragon poster Poster influenced by Kid A by Radiohead Print of a man with a gas mask with a snake coming out of one of the eye sockets Giant vulture made out of people
a melted mutated form combining a crocodile and a robot

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